© Tatiana Lecomte

Built with Berta.me

  1. My First Lioness 3 Series of 5 color prints, 100 x 75 cm each, 2018

    My First Lioness 3 Series of 5 color prints, 100 x 75 cm each, 2018

    Moritz Stipsicz

    In her works, Tatiana Lecomte reveals the power structure inherent in human relationships. The relation between photographer and photographed corresponds to a constellation of subject and object, of taking an active or a passive part, which also manifests itself in varying intensity and brutality in other relations. In the most extreme case between oppressor and oppressed, hunter and hunted, but by its very nature also in everyday human interaction ‒ between teacher and student, employer and employee, researcher and test person, doctor and patient – where the unequal distribution of power can be abused.

    (translated by Friederike Kulcsar)